Saturday, March 7, 2009

Super Target Pastries

Hacking the Big Box Retailers is always a huge pleasure. Today's hack is about Super Target and pastries. But it is also about how wasteful human beings are.

Every day at 8PM, Super Targets across the USA throw away their "old" pastries. No, they won't just give them to you if you ask. Store Policy: throw those nummy little snacks in the dumpster.

Am I suggesting you Dumpster Dive? Absolutely! Freeganism at its best!

Why won't Target just give them to a homeless shelter...or to a friendly Snack Hacker who asks? Because Johnny Law doesn't take kindly to giving people food they can't sell.

It's an insane theory: we shouldn't give something away to someone, because that will keep them from actually buying it. You know it's bullshit, and I know it's bullshit, but this is the Tao of corporate retail.

At any rate, grab these darling pastries up and freeze them. Reheat them in the microwave and eat immediately. The other option is to warm them in the toaster oven...just spritz with a little water and top with melted butter for additional softness.

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